SSM 赴纽约过问群众清洁炉灶改日峰会 自拍偷拍]藝校兩女生自慰裸聊視頻
SSM attendedthe Global Alliance of Clean Cookstoves Future Summit in New York
InNovemberof2014, SSM was invited by the GACCto New York to participate in the Global Allianceof Clean Cookstoves Future Summitwhich wasorganized by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. There weremore than 400 people in the field of cookstoves as well as government officialsall overthe world.
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves was launched in 2010 byHillary Clinton and the United Nations Foundation to create an international market for prosperous自拍偷拍]藝校兩女生自慰裸聊視頻, clean and efficient cookstoves and fuels. About 3 billion people around the world still relied on traditional stoves, and 500 million people in China used solid fuels for cooking and heating. According to asurvey from the WTO, indoor air pollution ranks fourth inglobal health hazards. With four million people worldwide dying every year from air pollution, women and children were suffering the seriousinfluence of soot, clean cookstoves and fuels are pragmatic solutions.